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Showing posts from November, 2009

Needle to the Pole

Recent reading has inspired me to explore how we as Seventh-day Adventists should be approaching our most sacred work of soul winning and fishing for men and women. The concern for this subject is valid because of the overwhelming amount of competition we experience for the minds of men in this modern world. Take a look around if you can wrestle yourself from your nearly implanted electronic crutch of choice and ask yourself if the distinct Adventist message crosses your periphery. The third angel's message otherwise known as the loud cry often seems to be shouting into the wind. True Christians or God-fearers have always been in the minority and yet their is cause for concern. The last warning to the world seems to increasingly fall on deaf ears and this creates a plethora of remedies for our lack of effectiveness. How should we deal with the lack of receptivity to what we believe is humanity's last warning? For some the problem lies in the fact that we are more often than no...