The apostle Paul says:
19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. 20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
1 Corinthians 15:19-22
Where would we be without the resurrection of Christ? If Jesus had not come forth from the tomb what hope would you and I have?
The resurrection of Christ is so important. In fact it is more important than people realize. All of the sufferings of the cross, all of the loneliness in the life of Christ, all of the provisions made for humanity would be for nothing unless Jesus rose from the grave.
It is through the resurrection that God unleashed the power of the cross. And it was at the resurrection that Jesus truly became the only begotten Son of God. How do we know that? Well today I would like to take you through the written word of God.
First of all what does the bible mean when it calls Jesus the only begotten Son of God? Let’s look at the word begotten itself and let’s start with the most famous text in the bible. Let’s all say John 3:16 together which says:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
In this famous text we see that Jesus is called God’s “only begotten Son.” The word used here for “begotten” is the Greek word “monogenes.” It is a word that is used nine times in the New Testament and it is a word that really means “one of a kind.”
We can see this first by looking at the definition of the two parts that make up the word monogenes. The first part mono means:
One or only. Do you remember when you had to choose between mono or stereo when listening to music? Mono meant that the music came from only one mike or source while stereo meant that the music would come from multiple sources to give you that a fuller richer sound. Mono then means only one.
Genēs, which is the second part of the word means kind.
When we put both parts together we get the definition: one of a kind. Jesus was one of a kind. He was unique. Does the bible support this definition of the word begotten or monogenēs? It does. Let’s look at some of the other uses of the word in the New Testament.
Right after John 3:16 the apostle John uses the word begotten again saying:
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:18
In John 1:14 the apostle John says:
14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John 1:14
In each case John is emphasizing the uniqueness of Christ as opposed to the fact that He came from God. Let’s look as some of the times this word is used about people other than Christ in the New Testament.
In Luke 7:12 we come upon the story of the widow whose son had died. The bible says:
Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the ONLY SON of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the city was with her. Luke 7:12
Jesus would later heal this only son of the poor widow. A few chapters later in Luke 8:42 we Luke mentions the only daughter of Jairus saying:
For he had one only daughter, about twelve years of age, and she lay a dying. Luke 8:42
In each of these verses the word monogenēs is used. But now let’s turn to another use of this word in Hebrews 11 that may help us understand its meaning even more. Let’s turn to Hebrews 11:17 which says:
By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, Hebrews 11:17
Now let me ask you a question. Was Isaac Abraham’s only son? No. In fact he wasn’t even his firstborn son. Abraham’s firstborn son was Ishmael. Why then is Isaac called the only begotten son? The answer to this question helps us understand not only what the word monogenēs means but also what the bible means when it calls Jesus the only begotten Son of God. Isaac was called the only begotten son of Abraham because Isaac was the child of the promise that God made to Abraham. God had chosen Isaac to be the inheritor of the promises to multiply the seed of Abraham as the stars of the sky and the sand of the sea. And it would be through Isaac that the Savior would come. Isaac was the recipient of the covenant that had been promised to His Father Abraham.
Now let me ask you another question. Who normally received the inheritance and the blessings from their father in the bible? It was supposed to be the firstborn. But was that always the case. Turn with me in your bibles to Psalm 89:20. The bible says:
I have found David my servant;
With my holy oil have I anointed him Psalm 89:20.
Was David the firstborn of his father Jesse? No in fact as far as we know he was the last son to be born. But notice what God says about David in Psalm 89:27-29:
27 Also I will make him my firstborn,
Higher than the kings of the earth.
28 My mercy will I keep for him for evermore,
And my covenant shall stand fast with him.
29 His seed also will I make to endure for ever,
And his throne as the days of heaven. Psalm 89:27-29
In this passage God says that He would make David His firstborn. There are several examples in the Old Testament where God intended someone other than the first born to receive the inheritance, the blessings and the covenant. We can think of Isaac, Jacob, Ephraim, and David among others. In each of these cases they were not the firstborn children of their fathers and yet God chose them to be the inheritor of the covenant. This tells us something very important. I want you to pay close attention to this:
Each of these men were considered the firstborn not because they were the first to be born but because they were the spiritual firstborn.
With that in mind let’s turn to Colossians 1:15-17. In this passage we read about Jesus. The bible says:
15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: 16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. Colossians 1:15-17
The bible calls Jesus the firstborn of all creation. But was Jesus literally the firstborn of all creation? There are those who believe in a false theology that would say yes. But the reality is that Jesus was called the firstborn of all creation not because He was the first to be born physically. But rather that Jesus was spiritually the firstborn. Like Isaac, Jacob, Ephraim and David, Jesus was the firstborn because through Jesus the promises of the covenant would be given to the world. Through Jesus you and I can receive the promises of salvation.
The term only begotten Son of God is a term that applies to Jesus’ role not His nature. Many Christians in the pew and many pastors in the pulpit have misapplied the familiar description of Jesus found in John 3:16 to mean that because Jesus Christ is the Son of God He must have come forth out of the of the father physically in some point in the distant past. But that is an unbiblical interpretation of the word only begotten Son of God. Jesus is not the Son of God because God He physically came forth from the Father. Jesus is the Son of God because He has come to do the Father’s will that we might be saved. In fact we could simply say that Jesus is the Son of God because He does the will of His Father. Jesus said in John 8:29:
And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him. John 8:29
It is for this reason that the Father said about Jesus in Matthew 3:17:
…This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Matthew 3:17
Jesus is the beloved Son of God because He did and does the will of His Father. But why is He the only begotten Son of God. Please turn with me to Hebrews 1:1-3. The bible says:
1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; 3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; Hebrews 1:1-3
Notice that the bible says that God has spoken to us in these last days by His Son. And notice that God has appointed Jesus to be the Heir. Let’s keep reading in Hebrews 1:4, 5 which says:
4 Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. 5 For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? Hebrews 1:4,5
Now please pay careful attention to this passage. This passage tells us that Jesus has obtained a more excellent inheritance than the angels. That means at some point Jesus obtained something that the angels do not have. And then the bible tells us what that is. It says that God the Father now says about Jesus “Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?” Hebrews 1:5
At some point Jesus received the excellent inheritance of being called Son of God and that on a certain day Jesus was begotten by God. There is that word again “begotten” “monogenēs in the Greek. At some point on a certain day Jesus became the only begotten Son of God. When did that happen? Let’s keep reading Hebrews 1:6:
And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. Hebrews 1:6
Here the bible connects Jesus being exalted by God to be worshipped by the angels as the point when God brought His first begotten into the world. When was Jesus then truly begotten? The bible tells us in Hebrews 1:5 that it happened on a certain day. What day was that? Please turn with me in your bibles to Acts 13:32,33. Here the apostle Paul speaking to the Jewish people about Jesus says:
32 And we declare unto you glad tidings, how that the promise which was made unto the fathers, 33 God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children, in that he hath raised up Jesus again; as it is also written in the second psalm, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee. Acts 13:32,33
The apostle Paul connects the day of Jesus’ resurrection with the Father’s declaration “Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee. It was at the resurrection that Jesus truly became the only begotten Son of God. Up until that day Jesus had been the Son of God from eternity past because Jesus always does His father’s will. But it was on the day of the resurrection that Jesus gained a more excellent inheritance than the angels. It was on the day of the resurrection that Jesus became the begotten Son of God. Because through the resurrection you and I receive the promises of God. Though the resurrection we too can be raised to newness of life. Through the resurrection we can become joint heir with him. Romans 8:16,17 says:
16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. Romans 8:16,17
It was at the resurrection that Jesus inherited the power to make you and I joint heirs with Him. It was at the resurrection that Jesus truly became the only begotten Son of God. Romans 1:4 says:
4 And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: Romans 1:4
How was Jesus declared to be the Son of God with power? By the spirit of holiness and by the resurrection from the dead. At the resurrection the Father declared that Jesus was worthy to be praised. It was at the resurrection that Jesus was exalted far above the angels. And why was Jesus exalted at the resurrection and given a name above the angels? Because at the resurrection Jesus released the power of God. At the resurrection Jesus made it possible for sin sick souls to become children of God once again.
As we close I would like to take you back in time. Please come with me to moment when Jesus ascended from the Mount of Olives. As Jesus disciples looked on with wonder they saw Jesus being received into the clouds. Those clouds that so completely enveloped Jesus were not normal clouds they were the host of heaven come to receive the Lord. With joy the angels embraced Christ and accompanied him back to heaven. As the angelic throng approached the gates of Zion the angelic heralds declare to the waiting sentinels:
Lift up your heads, O ye gates;
And be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors;
And the King of glory shall come in. Psalm 24:7
With joy unspeakable the angels declared to those that waited at the gates that the only begotten Son of God had returned. But before Jesus could enter the heavenly sentinels responded:
Who is this King of glory?… Psalm 24:8a
Ellen White explains Desire of Ages,
This they say, not because they know not who He is, but because they would hear the answer of exalted praise,
“The Lord strong and mighty,
The Lord mighty in battle!
Lift up your heads, O ye gates; d
Even lift them up, ye everlasting doors;
And the King of glory shall come in.”
Again is heard the challenge, “Who is this King of glory?” for the angels never weary of hearing His name exalted. The escorting angels make reply,
“The Lord of hosts;
He is the King of glory.” Psalm 24:7-10.
Then the portals of the city of God are opened wide, and the angelic throng sweep through the gates amid a burst of rapturous music. DA 833.11
The king of glory has overcome. The only begotten Son of God has triumphed. The day of Christ’s resurrection stands in time as the day that Jesus broke through the portals of the tomb. Will you become joint-heirs with Christ? Today is the day of salvation. Let’s rejoice in what Jesus has done for you. The grave is open. The stone is rolled away. And the only begotten Son of God is calling you, calling you to come home.