In the parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16 Jesus says that: “…the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. Luke 16:8
This passage has always somewhat perplexed me as I have perceived that Jesus seems to be
commending the shrewdness of the unjust steward. Is this true? What exactly is going on in this story? Well in the story of the unjust steward we see that the steward is told by his lord that he
will soon be released from employment.Apparently the lord had heard bad reports of the way that the steward has handled his accounts and he was displeased. When the steward recognizes that he won’t be employed much longer he goes to each of the people that owe his lord money. And then one by one he gives them an opportunity to pay back less than they owed. This of course makes them happy and in turn they are more likely to hire him when he needs employment.
The bottom line is that the unjust steward seizes upon the opportunity to use his impending
unemployment to his own benefit. And according to Jesus there is something we can learn from
this story. It is this part that perplexes me. What are we to learn? In thinking about this scenario I
have wondered what Ellen White might have to say. Notice how she elaborates on this parable
saying: “ …worldly-wise men display more wisdom and earnestness in serving themselves than do the
professed children of God in their service to Him. COL p 370.
And then in another place she says…
Men of the world study to be courteous, to make themselves as pleasing as possible. They
study to render their address and manners such that they will have the greatest influence over
those with whom they associate. They use their knowledge and abilities as skillfully as possible
in order to gain this object. Letters and Manuscripts, Volume 17 (1902).
In considering the course of action of worldly wise people are we failing to use the gifts and abilities that God has given us? Why is it that Satan has shrewd people working for him and God
often does not? Perhaps we need to shatter the paradigm that God wants naivete’ and even
The reality is that Jesus wants us to develop the gifts and abilities that He has given us for His
glory. Perhaps we can be skilled and competent while maintaining our allegiance to God. In any
case God wants us to be wise. After all we are told:
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: And with all thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7
Are you wise?